


Well, I certainly wasn't thinking I'd be able to watch The Day of the Doctor today, but then I didn't know I'd be able to livestream it from BBC1. So, I watched it, and here are some preliminary thoughts. Definitely some spoilers. You have been warned!

1. David Tennant. Even though I was glad to hear that the Tenth Doctor would be making an appearance, I was also a bit leery because I wasn't sure if he would overplay his part. However, with just a few exceptions, he slid into the role very naturally and did an excellent job (although his last line about not wanting to go made me cringe; it was just way too awkward and stiff. Did. Not. Like.).

2. Rose Tyler/Bad Wolf. First of all, what's up with those horrible clothes? Well, no one ever said Rose had good fashion sense. But anyways, I hated the idea of her coming back from the moment I heard about it. My thoughts now? Well, I'm glad it wasn't actually Rose from the parallel universe. On the other hand, her acting was NOT GOOD and she annoyed the stew out of me. But I'm really happy that neither the Tenth nor Eleventh Doctors could see her, therefore they could not kiss her. Also, I still don't get how Bad Wolf shows up in Rose-form. To me it just seemed like a way to satisfy Rose fans.

3. John Hurt. Hmmm, not sure. I guess he wasn't given nearly enough time to actually become the Doctor, and he didn't seem like the Doctor to me. He was just a bit too cliche-old-wise-man for me.

4. Elizabeth the First. Horrible. I couldn't stand her. She also had an annoying, nasally voice. She had to be the worst part about this episode, and I hope to never see her in Doctor Who again.

5. The plot. There were definitely some fun timey-wimey parts to this, but overall there ... didn't seem to be a plot to speak of. The Zygons were shoehorned in, and I thought that they were surely going to be part of the actual plot, but no. Not really. There was nothing in this to actually grab me. Too many slo-mo shots of cute little kids in the middle of destruction. The dilemma of the Doctors wasn't really very engaging.

6. The Doctors together. The banter was fun, but not as witty as I was hoping. I think that a little more time should have been given to them in this regard.

So to sum up, while there were several lines that made me smile or chuckle, and some entertaining wibbly-wobbly, mostly it felt rushed and a bit flat. I think the Time War should either have been left untouched, or else a several-episode story should have been devoted to it, with a lot more thought put into it.
However, having the Fourth Doctor at the end (although inexplicable) was very nice, and I want to know how they kept the wraps on that?
Overall, I'd give the episode three stars.

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