

Why the Cybermen Make Terrible Villains

OK, so lots of people seem to love the Cybermen; they're certainly popular villains, but I fail to see why. Here are my reasons for disliking the silver nemesis of the Doctor.

1. They're mindless. Yeah, I know, they've got human brains. But they don't have minds. They're like animals: they act on instinct/training/programming. It's like, when you get mad at your computer for not working, and you throw it or hit it. The computer doesn't have a mind, it doesn't care what you do to it, and it doesn't care whether it annoys you or not. The Cybermen are basically just computers; they're not scary and they might be threatening, but they are threatening like a mad wolf or a hungry lion, not like an evil mastermind or a power-hungry dictator.

2. They're actually kind of pointless. I mean, their only goal in life (oops) is to convert every other living human into a Cyberman. What would happen if they succeeded? They'd probably just stop and die/rust.

3. I've only seen the Classic Cybermen in The Five Doctors episode, in which they were kind of more human and also looked like guys in silver spacesuits. So I'm talking about the Alternate Universe Cybermen, created by Mr. Lumic. K, so, Lumic supposedly creates them so that the human brain will live forever. But this is a really, really weak reason. I mean, he obviously doesn't even want to rule the world. He just wants everyone converted into Cybermen, even the most ignorant people. If he wanted to preserve genius, or if he wanted to take over the world with an army of cybermen who didn't convert but just oppressed, then that would make a lot more sense.

4. Nightmare in Silver makes the Cybermen even stupider. OK, so they can upgrade in two seconds so that they are practically unbeatable except by blowing up the whole planet that they're on. That just makes them way too powerful, and an enemy without a weak point is very boring, just like a hero is. And then they say that they need the minds of children. But why? They can upgrade so quickly, what else do they need?

So, to conclude, the Cybermen are probably the stupidest villains/monsters in the whole New Series that I've seen. Matched only by the Hologram Baddies in The Power of Three and The Lodger. I mean, seriously, holograms as bad guys? You've got to be kidding me. You can't even fight a hologram. Also, almost as bad (perhaps worse) is when the bad guy turns out to not be a bad guy (a common problem starting with Series Five). You almost always need a bad guy of some kind for a story to work. So, those are my thoughts on villains that aren't any good. The next post will be about the villains and monsters that I do like. Stay tuned!

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